{Independent Liquor}
Independent Liquor SA is a small but agressive micro manufacturer and distributor of a small but growing range of alcohol based products.

tiqqle Cream Liquor infused with Tequila & Bubblegum

tiqqle Cream Liquor infused with Tequila & Mint

tiqqle Cream Liquor infused with Tequila & Strawberry

All photos taken at La Nouva Family Restaurant in Fourways

Independent Liquor
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/independentliquor/timeline
Website - http://www.independentliquor.co.za/
Location: La Nova Family Restaurant
Fourways Gardens Shopping Centre
011 467 5763 / info@lanouva.co.za
Medium pizza & Pasta special only R49.00 (Monday - Thursday)
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/lanouvafamilyrestaurant?pnref=lhc
Website - www.lanouva.co.za